17 year old Female, 13 year old Female, 12 year old Female

Family Details

Family ID: 5040

Name: Kyla Age: 17.0 Gender: Female Bicycle/24″ (Size: , Color Pref: Pink) – Pajamas,Socks,Underwear,Hats and gloves and slippers 14 pants, 7.5 shoe
Name: Tianna Age: 13.0 Gender: Female Bicycle/20″ (Size: , Color Pref: Pink) – Youth Large and shirt, 14 pants, 6.5 shoes, pajamas,socks,undewear,hats and gloves, slippers
Name: Zya Age: 12.0 Gender: Female Bicycle/20″ (Size: , Color Pref: Pink) – Pajamas,Socks,Underwear,Hats and gloves and slippers 5 shoe,14 pants, youth large shirt

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