33 year old Female, 10 year old Male, 8 year old Male, 6 year old Male, 5 year old Female, 3 year old Female

Family Details

Family ID: 352
Name: Carter Age: 10 Gender: Male Bicycle/20″ (Size: , Color Pref: Blue) – 10-12 top,12 pants,3 1/2 shoe, Hulk action figure,Legos
Name: Domnique Age: 8 Gender: Male Bicycle/20″ (Size: , Color Pref: Red) – 14-16 top & pants, 5 shoe, Iron Man, Race Cars, Board Games
Name: Italy Age: 5 Gender: Female Bicycle/20″ (Size: , Color Pref: Pink) – 7 top & pants, 13 shoe, Nail Kits,Baby Dolls,LOL Dolls and doll houses
Name: Laquinta Age: 33 Gender: Female Bedding/Comforter (Size: , Color Pref: ) – housebold items, pots and pans, rice cooker
Name: Legacy Age: 6 Gender: Male Bicycle/20″ (Size: , Color Pref: Pink) – 7-8 top,7 pants, 13 shoes, Nail Kits,Baby Dolls,LOL Dolls and doll houses
Name: Legendary Age: 3 Gender: Female Bicycle/12″ (Size: , Color Pref: Pink) – 3T Top & Pants, 8 toddler shoe, Dolls, Educational Toys

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